Best Business Advice on the Planet with Guests Marc Randolph, Alex Morton, Richard “RB” Botto, Will Ahmed, and Brad Lea by Marc Randolph, Brad Lea, Richard RB Botto, Alex Morton, Stage 32, Will Ahmed, Ryan Alford

Best Business Advice on the Planet with Guests Marc Randolph, Alex Morton, Richard “RB” Botto, Will Ahmed, and Brad Lea

from Right About Now with Ryan Alford

by Marc Randolph, Brad Lea, Richard RB Botto, Alex Morton, Stage 32, Will Ahmed, Ryan Alford

Published: Tue Jan 17 2023

Show Notes

Key notes from the episode:

  • Will Ahmed, founder and CEO of Whoop, shares about how he built his company at a young age and what it takes to be a great leader ()
  • Richard“RB” Motto, founder and CEO of Stage 32, shares what led him to build his own platform to film television and digital content creators dedicated to business world-wide ()
  • MarcRandolph, co-founder of Netflix, shares how he proved everyone wrong, how his crazy ideas became reality, and how he started his own podcast and authored a book entitled ‘That Will Never Work’. ()
  • AlexMorton, best selling author and speaker, shares his roller coaster entrepreneurial journey and major financial and physician struggles before making it to the top ()
  • BradLea, an author, podcaster, CEO of LightSpeed VT, shares how creating and building connections and relationships helped him grow his career and knowledge ()
  • Beraw and real when helping people so they can become the best versions of themselves ()
  • Comparingyourself to other successful entrepreneurs won’t do you good. Focus on working on yourself ()
  • Havinga predisposition to act and execute is one of the major keys to success ()
  • Voiceout your ideas and act on them ()
  • Identifyand build your audience, make sure you bring value to them ()
  • Lawof attraction and manifestation ()
  • Insteadof being a salesperson, be a help person. Have empathy ()
  • Learnthe fundraising process, build relationships, and get investors ()
  • Besuper clear about what you want and knowing your vision, and finding the right vehicle and mentors ()
  • “Ifyou love starting something, figuring things out, and sitting around the table with super smart people solving problems - it’s the best career” ()

Thisepisode is packed with energy, wisdom, and passion and we know you will get a ton of value from this.

To keep up with Will, follow him on Instagram @willahmed or his website https://www.whoopunite.com/

To keep up with Marc, follow him on Instagram @marcrandolph or his website https://marcrandolph.com/

To keep up with Brad, follow him on Instagram @therealbradlea or his website https://bradlea.com/

To keep up with RB, follow him on Instagram @rbwalksintoabar or @stage32

To keep up with Alex, follow him on Instagram @alexmortonmindset or his website https://breakthecodeevent.com/

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