#200 - Possessed By Stupidity in Brownstown Township, Michigan by James Pietragallo, Jimmie Whisman

#200 - Possessed By Stupidity in Brownstown Township, Michigan

from Small Town Murder

by James Pietragallo, Jimmie Whisman

Published: Thu Dec 03 2020

Show Notes

This week, in Brownstown Township, Michigan, a seemingly normal situation spins very quickly out of control, when a person begins to believe that other people may be possessed by demons... and we all know there's only one way to get rid of the demons, and that's murder! This truly bizarre tale gets even weirder with the post-murder behavior, and belief that 32 stab wounds shouldn't be fatal!

Along the way, we find out that Bret Michaels has a lot of songs about flowers, that someone, somewhere has a very strange pamphlet printing business, and that dead people don't sleep it off, and wake up, demon-free!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman

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