Kevin Miller: Driven, Unlocking the Forces that Propel Us Forward | Entrepreneurship E237 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Kevin Miller: Driven, Unlocking the Forces that Propel Us Forward | Entrepreneurship E237

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Mon Aug 07 2023

Show Notes

Until his early thirties, Kevin Miller was an elite professional cyclist who ran several businesses on the side. But eventually his highly-driven lifestyle reached its limit, and Kevin was left wondering whether his drive for achievement had actually created the type of success he really yearned for or given him what he truly wanted most: peace. In this episode, Kevin will debunk today’s myths about “driven people.” He will teach us how to find clarity and conviction in what we authentically value, and he will break down the “five gears of drive” and how to unlock them in every area of our lives.

Kevin Miller is a former pro athlete, personal development guide, and host of the top-ranking podcast Self-Helpful, which has over 60 million downloads and is visited by today’s most influential changemakers. He is also the author of the newly released book, What Drives You.

In this episode, Hala and Kevin will discuss:

- Kevin’s athletic journey

- His path to entrepreneurship

- The genesis of his new book What Drives You

- His definition of drive

- Why there’s no such thing as a lazy person

- Why some driven people are like addicts

- Why your drive is just a thought away

- The five gears of drive and how to unlock them

- How emotion can drive us and not logic

- Where to find our purpose zones

- And other topics…

Kevin Miller is a former pro athlete, respected personal development guide, top-ranking podcast host, published author, and father of nine who has devoted himself to helping people elevate their personal experience and improve the way they show up for others. Kevin hosts the Self-Helpful podcast (Glassbox Media), which has over 60 million downloads and is routinely visited by today’s most influential changemakers.

His book, What Drives You, challenges today’s myths on “driven people” and serves as a guide for clarity and conviction in what you authentically value and what truly motivates you. Kevin is often out on the Rocky Mountain trails riding, running, and competing at the elite level in his age group.

Resources Mentioned:

Kevin’s Website: https://www.kevinmiller.co/

Kevin’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinmillerco/

Kevin’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevinmillerco

Kevin’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinmiller.co/

Kevin’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevinmillerco

Kevin’s book What Drives You: https://www.amazon.com/What-Drives-You-Motivators-Accelerate/dp/1264269765/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1NH6N139TNXMX&keywords=%22what%20drives%20you%22&qid=1671318821&redirectFromSmile=1&sprefix=what%20drives%20you%20%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-4

Self Helpful Podcast with Kevin Miller https://www.kevinmiller.co/podcast

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Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship podcast, Business, Business podcast, Self Improvement, Self-Improvement, Personal development, Starting a business, Strategy, Investing, Sales, Selling, Psychology, Productivity, Entrepreneurs, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Marketing, Negotiation, Money, Finance, Side hustle, Startup, mental health, Career, Leadership, Mindset, Health, Growth mindset.