Michelle Tillis Lederman: Creating Connection, How to Build Strong Relationships in the Networking Age | Human Behavior E235 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Michelle Tillis Lederman: Creating Connection, How to Build Strong Relationships in the Networking Age | Human Behavior E235

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Mon Jul 24 2023

Show Notes

Michelle Tillis Lederman rose quickly in the corporate world in her early 20s, but her roles in M&A and finance left her feeling empty and unfulfilled. When she was laid off from her consulting firm in 2001,she found a new job in three days and discovered her true calling. She realized that it wasn't luck that helped her land on her feet and change course, it was her relationships. It was this change that led her to found an executive training company to help empower others to excel professionally. In today’s episode, Michelle will share the seven mindsets that “connectors” share, and talk about why connections are critical to our results, success, and happiness.

Michelle Tillis Lederman is a people expert who inspires organizations and individuals to build real relationships and get real results. Michelle is an accomplished speaker, trainer, coach, and author of four books including The Connector’s Advantage, The 11 Laws of Likability, Heroes Get Hired, and Nail The Interview – Land The Job.

In this episode, Hala and Michelle will discuss:

- How being a connector resembles being lucky

- Why connection is more important than ever

- Why relationships are your greatest asset

- How AI will transform our relationships

- The different types of connectors

- How we can improve our emotional intelligence

- How to be intentional about making asks of others

- The seven mindsets of connectors

- And other topics…

Michelle Tillis Lederman is a people expert who inspires organizations and individuals to build real relationships and get real results. Named by Forbes as one of the 25 Professional Networking Experts and one of the Top 30 Communications Professionals by Global Gurus, she is also a former NYU professor, financial executive, and recovering CPA.

Michelle’s clients range from government to academia to non-profit to Fortune 500 companies including; Madison Square Garden, Citi, Johnson & Johnson, Ernst & Young, Deutsche Bank, Michigan State University, Columbia Business School, Target, Sony, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and The Museum of Modern Art.

Resources Mentioned:

Michelle’s Website: https://michelletillislederman.com/books/

Michelle’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/communicationexpertspeaker/

Michelle’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtlederman

Michelle’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtlederman/

Michelle’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleTillisLederman

Michelle’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/michellelederman

Michelle’s book The Connector's Advantage: https://www.amazon.com/Connectors-Advantage-Mindsets-Influence-Impact/dp/1989025358/

YAP: Daniel Goleman: Level Up Your Emotional Intelligence | E165: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/daniel-goleman-level-up-your-emotional-intelligence-e165/id1368888880?i=1000556938893

Emotional Intelligence Test: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/tests/personality/emotional-intelligence-test

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Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship podcast, Business, Business podcast, Self Improvement, Self-Improvement, Personal development, Starting a business, Strategy, Investing, Sales, Selling, Psychology, Productivity, Entrepreneurs, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Marketing, Negotiation, Money, Finance, Side hustle, Startup, mental health, Career, Leadership, Mindset, Health, Growth mindset.

Psychology, Mindset, Habits, Positivity, Self-Improvement, Personal Development, Human Nature, Human Psychology, Critical Thinking, Robert Greene, Chris Voss, Robert Cialdini