Jenna Kutcher: Redefining Success, Finding Rest in a Hustle Culture, and Building a Business That ACTUALLY Fulfills You | Entrepreneurship E242 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Jenna Kutcher: Redefining Success, Finding Rest in a Hustle Culture, and Building a Business That ACTUALLY Fulfills You | Entrepreneurship E242

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Mon Sep 04 2023

Show Notes

At age 23, Jenna Kutcher invested $300 in a Craigslist camera, eventually launching her own wedding photography business and punching her ticket out of her windowless corporate HR job. Now she is the ultimate entrepreneur slash mom, and in today’s episode, Jenna shares some of the actionable advice, social media strategies, productivity hacks, and entrepreneurial wisdom that helped her figure out her own direction and become a self-made millionaire.

Jenna Kutcher is an expert on online marketing, the host of the successful podcast Goal Digger, and is the author of the recent book, How Are You, Really? Jenna believes that we crave lives of fulfillment - not just advancement - and that we can achieve that by investing in ourselves and in our dreams.

In this episode, Hala and Jenna will discuss:

- Her journey from corporate HR to her first business

- How she built a hit podcast from her spare closet

- Why overthinking things can impede taking action

- How to keep your team lean and focused

- Why you should make an inventory of your life

- How to take off your golden handcuffs

- Avoiding autopilot in your life and career

- Not forgetting how to dream

- How perfection can turn into procrastination

- When to rest and not quit

- And other topics…

Jenna Kutcher is a small-town Minnesota girl obsessed with all things marketing who turned a $300 Craigslist camera into a seven-figure empire. At the age of 23, she took a chance and left her corporate job to pursue full-time entrepreneurship, starting with a wedding photography business and branching out into online marketing advice. Jenna now works with creative entrepreneurs on how to build profitable, sustainable, and authentic businesses, and is a successful social media influencer. She is best known as the presenter of the podcast Goal Digger for aspiring entrepreneurs and is the bestselling author of How Are You, Really? (2022).

Resources Mentioned:

Jenna’s Website: https://jennakutcher.com/

The Goal Digger Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-goal-digger-podcast/id1178704872

Jenna’s book How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09G6SVK5V/

LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life:

Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.

Key YAP Links

Reviews - ratethispodcast.com/yap

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LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/

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Social + Podcast Services: yapmedia.com

Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com/episodes-new

Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship podcast, Business, Business podcast, Self Improvement, Self-Improvement, Personal development, Starting a business, Strategy, Investing, Sales, Selling, Psychology, Productivity, Entrepreneurs, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Marketing, Negotiation, Money, Finance, Side hustle, Startup, mental health, Career, Leadership, Mindset, Health, Growth mindset.