YAPClassic: Yancey Strickler on Using Bentoism For A Better World
from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
Show Notes
Are you ready to build a better world?
How do we dig ourselves out of this hyper-individualistic hole?
When it comes to cultivating a mindset that focuses on serving the collective alongside the individual, there is no one better to talk to than Yancey Stricker. Yancey is the co-founder of Kickstarter and the creator of the strategic decision-making method, Bentoism, which offers an alternative approach to making decisions that mindfully consider our current self, the people around us, our future selves, and the people we will be surrounded by in the future.
In this episode of #YAPClassic, Yancey and Hala talked about the components of Bentoism and how to use to make more informed decisions in any scenario. They discuss Kickstarter’s come-up story and why they initially had trouble getting investors on board. He described what it was like to co-found Kickstarter with no business experience and how that led to imposter syndrome.
They also talk about the dangers of embracing financial maximization, The Bento Society, and Yancey’s predictions for the next several years of our society.
Topics Include:
- Yancey’s experience getting bullied
-Yancey’s early career as a writer
-Where the idea for Kickstarter began
-Co-founding Kickstarter with no business experience
-Imposter syndrome
-What is a PBC?
-Financial maximization
-Other ways to measure business success
-Roles models and their effects on society
-The characteristics of Bentoism
-The Bento Society
-How Telsa embodies the “future us” mindset
Yancey Strickler is an author, entrepreneur, and creator of Bentoism. He co-founded Kickstarter in 2009with Perry Chen and Charles Adler. He also co-founded Metalabel and the artist resource The Creative Independent.
Yancey began his career as a music critic writing for Pitchfork, Spin, and The Village Voice, and he later created the record label eMusic Selects.
Yancey has a lot of ideas on improving the world by realigning our motives to better serve the world around us and how we can measure value and success with metrics other than profit.
He’s also the author of This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World, which outlines how we built this hyper-individualistic society and how we can change course.
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Resources Mentioned:
YAP Episode #81: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/81-bentoism-for-a-better-world-with-yancey-strickler/id1368888880?i=1000492019933
Yancey Stricker’s Website: https://www.ystrickler.com/
Bentoism’s Website: https://bentoism.org/
Weekly Bento Talks: https://bentoism.org/blog/the-weekly-bento
Yancey’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yancey-strickler-486b4557/?originalSubdomain=ca
Yancey’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ystrickler/?hl=en
Yancey’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ystrickler?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
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