YAPClassic: Teri Ijeoma, How I Made $1,000,000 In One Day Through Day Trading | #BlackEntrepreneurs by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

YAPClassic: Teri Ijeoma, How I Made $1,000,000 In One Day Through Day Trading | #BlackEntrepreneurs

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Fri Feb 16 2024

Show Notes

When Teri Ijeoma was working as an assistant principal at an elementary school, she had a mean, nit-picky boss. As a result, Teri was gaining weight, drowning in stress, and crying in the bathroom every day. When she finally accepted she needed to leave the school, she turned her hobby of investing into a full-time job that allowed her to quit her job and travel around the world as a day trader. In this episode of YAPClassic, we get a crash course from Teri on how to start investing and trading in the stock market. You’ll also learn about the personal and emotional side of investing, how to calculate risk, and the importance of investing in ourselves. This episode is part of a special YAP series honoring Black History Month called #BlackEntrepreneurs.

Teri Ijeoma is a professional day trader, entrepreneur, and founder of her own business trading course Trade and Travel. Teri has been working in the stock market and day trading for over a decade and is infamous for making over $1,000 in a day.

In this episode, Hala and Teri will discuss:

- Teri’s best day ever in stock trading

- The difference between trading and long-term stock investing

- Where to find Teri’s course

- How we can get started with trading and brokerage

- The difference between stocks and ETFs

- How to pick a stock

- How to hedge our risk when day trading

- The emotional side of trading

- Risk-to-reward ratios

- And other topics…

Teri Ijeoma is a professional day trader, entrepreneur, and founder of her own business trading course Trade and Travel. Teri has been working in the stock market and day trading for over a decade and is infamous for making over $1000in a day.

With more than 10+ years invested in trading education, courses, and workshops, Teri developed expert strategies and proprietary intelligence that fast-tracks the learning journey and earning performance. In 2018Teri was named Entrepreneur of the Year by National Black MBA Association and was the Grand Champion of Teachable's 2019Creator Challenge.

Free Webinar, Crush Your Sales Goals in 2024:

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Resources Mentioned:

Teri’s Website: https://teriijeoma.com/

Trade & Travel: https://teriijeoma.com/trade-and-travel/

Teri’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiLH3ZJdLQK9ylvV5wdnwBA

Teri’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teriijeoma/

Teri’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teriijeoma/?hl=en

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