Sahil Bloom: The 5 Types of Wealth You Need to Design Your Dream Life | Entrepreneurship E335 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Sahil Bloom: The 5 Types of Wealth You Need to Design Your Dream Life | Entrepreneurship E335

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Fri Feb 07 2025

Show Notes

Sahil Bloom felt empty despite crushing his career and financial goals. His health, relationships, and well-being were crumbling, until one conversation made him realize that at his current pace, he might see his parents only 15 more times before they passed. This realization hit like a punch in the gut. Within 45 days, Sahil quit his job, sold his house, and moved across the country. Free from corporate life, he started The Curiosity Chronicle, a newsletter with over 800,000 subscribers, where he shares insights on building a high-performing, healthy, and wealthy life. In this episode, Sahil breaks down the five types of wealth every entrepreneur should acquire and how to redefine success beyond money.

In this episode, Hala and Sahil will discuss:


()Life Razor: A Simple Rule to Clarify Priorities

()Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

()Building Wealth but Feeling Empty

()The Wake-Up Call That Shifted His Priorities

()The Energy Calendar Hack to Maximize Time

()Why Execution Beats Business Plans

()Time Blocking Tips for Entrepreneurs

()The Five Types of Wealth

()Why a Brain Trust Is Better Than Mentorship

()Turning Business Expenses into Profit

()Unconventional Investment Strategies

()Balancing Health, Wealth, and Well-being

()Sahil’s Daily Routine for Productivity

Sahil Bloom is an entrepreneur, investor, and writer focused on redefining wealth beyond money. A former private equity professional, he left the corporate world after a wake-up call that redefined his view of success. He now runs The Curiosity Chronicle, a newsletter with over 800,000 subscribers, sharing insights on entrepreneurship, investing, and personal growth. As a managing partner at SRB Ventures, he invests in early-stage startups and helps founders scale.

Resources Mentioned:

Sahil’s Book, The 5 Types of Wealth: amzn.to/40XzrQL

Website: sahilbloom.com/#Hero

Sahil’s Newsletter, The Curiosity Chronicle: bit.ly/3EsRmH5

King of Capital: The Remarkable Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Steve Schwarzman and Blackstone by David Carey and John E. Morris: amzn.to/4hhG8Uo

One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch: amzn.to/4aFpVWT

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: amzn.to/42yQdry

Main Street Millionaire: How to Make Extraordinary Wealth Buying Ordinary Businesses by Codie Sanchez: amzn.to/4jE8PMY

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All Show Keywords: Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship podcast, Business, Business podcast, Self Improvement, Self-Improvement, Personal development, Starting a business, Strategy, Investing, Sales, Selling, Psychology, Productivity, Entrepreneurs, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Marketing, Negotiation, Money, Finance, Side hustle, Startup, mental health, Career, Leadership, Mindset, Health, Growth mindset.