E468 Tucker Carlson
from This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von
by Theo Von
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
Show Notes
Tucker Carlson is a political commentator, host and author known for his years as an anchor on Fox News, CNN and more. He is currently the host of the show “Tucker on X”.
Tucker Carlson joins This Past Weekend with Theo Von to chat about life after Fox News, his new show on X, how to find truth in journalism, the struggle for power in America, sobriety stories, the debate around RFK Jr., wild Greyhound bus trips, smoking cigs with teachers, and much more.
Tucker Carlson: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson
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Music: "Shine" by Bishop Gunn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3A_coTcUek&ab_channel=BishopGunn
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Producer: Zach https://www.instagram.com/zachdpowers/
Producer: Nick https://www.instagram.com/realnickdavis/
Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner
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