Mavs Take Control, Boston Advances, and NBA Obituary Season, Plus Bob Ryan Talks Jokic Historically and Not Trusting These Celtics
from The Ryen Russillo Podcast
by The Ringer
Published: Thu May 16 2024
Show Notes
Russillo opens the show by recapping Wednesday night’s games and shares his thoughts on the Mavericks and Celtics (0:40). Then, he’s joined by The Boston Globe’s Bob Ryan to break down Jokic’s dominance, discuss why people have an issue with these Celtics, and talk about the changing media landscape ().Plus, Life Advice with Kyle and Ceruti ()!How do I not smell like my dad?
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Host: Ryen Russillo
Guest: Bob Ryan
Producers: Steve Ceruti, Kyle Crichton, and Mike Wargon
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