The Controversy Around Dave Ramsey’s Book (And My Thoughts) by Ramsey Network

The Controversy Around Dave Ramsey’s Book (And My Thoughts)

from George Kamel

by Ramsey Network

Published: Wed Sep 27 2023

Show Notes

It’s no secret that I got my financial philosophy from the one and only Dave Ramsey. And it’s the advice in Dave’s Total Money Makeover that helped me pay off debt, get my feet under me, and eventually empowered me to become a net worth millionaire. But despite that thrilling tale of victory and triumph, I still get a lot of flack from people for touting the Total Money Makeover. So today, I’m going to take a look the most common objections I get in regard to this controversial money book to see whether the flack is fact or the flack is whacked.


The Total Money Makeover

The Best Way To Pay Off Debt Fast