Leading Beyond the Boardroom: Finding Connection and Purpose at the Top - Athena Manley by Ilana Golan

Leading Beyond the Boardroom: Finding Connection and Purpose at the Top - Athena Manley

from Leap Academy with Ilana Golan

by Ilana Golan

Published: Wed Sep 27 2023

Show Notes

How do top leaders turn challenges into drive?

Is it really lonely at the top?

Athena Manley, Chief of Strategy & Staff at Aon and Founder & CEO of @theflexibleceo, who's collaborated with top 10 ASX, Fortune 500 firms, and start-ups, shares with Ilana her passion for impact and gives insight into the mindset that keeps her driven to lead and inspire in the corporate world.

More about Athena:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/athena-manley/
Instagram: @theflexibleceo

About Ilana Golan & Leap Academy:

Website - https://www.leapacademy.com/

Follow Ilana on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilanagolan/

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@ilanagolan-leap-academy