My Fertility Journey & Q+A
from Pursuit of Wellness
by Mari Llewellyn
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
Show Notes
Ep. #77 In today’s solo Q+A episode, I share some of my more recent life updates and answer all of your questions. I’ll cover everything from my favorite fashion and makeup brands, to diving deep on my progress with both my fertility and acne journeys. I also explain some of my social media habits, and why I choose to share certain topics over others. Today is an emotional rollercoaster filled with personal insight into my life.
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Show Links:
- EP70 - The Shocking Truth Behind Nutrition Trends (Carnivore, Veganism & More) w/ Simon Hill
- EP 73 - Healthy Relationship Advice
- EP 74 - Why Protein & Muscle Are So Important + Ozempic (the truth), Weight Lifting & Fat Loss w/ Gabrielle Lyon
- Alphalete Athletics
- Crop Shop Boutique
- Adanola
- Vixen Aesthetics
- RMS Beauty Foundation
- KevynAucoin Concealer
- Clearstemsunscreen
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Topics Discussed:
- Emotional toll of Mari’s fertility journey
- Life update
- Interior design and Mari’s personal story
- Move to Austin
- Why Lulu is not involved in online content
- Favorite activewear
- Current acne situation
- New engagement ring
- Dairy impact on fertility
- Organ meats
- Acne safe makeup products
- Mari’s take on Ozempic
- Daily steps
- Microneedling
- Arguing with Greg
- Preferred sunscreen
- Dealing with loneliness
- Chicken journey update
- Privacy around family
- Austin vs Los Angeles
- Pressure and opinions around planning a wedding
- Riding goals
- Bringing Greg back on the podcast
- Diet after the Simon Hill episode
- Dump truck era
- Prospects of a new barn
- AviClear