354. Meet My Bestie: Ecom, Dragon’s Den, Pregnancy Realness + Identity in Motherhood by bossbabe

354. Meet My Bestie: Ecom, Dragon’s Den, Pregnancy Realness + Identity in Motherhood

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Thu Feb 22 2024

Show Notes

Today, I interview my bestie Alexandria Wombwell-Povey on all things entrepreneurship + motherhood. Alex and I share our ecom startup stories, how we told our husbands we were pregnant, and cover so many of our life lessons, pivots + identity shifts that came with becoming mums. We talk about how her difficult pregnancy impacted the successful business she had grown up to that point, and how it opened the way to even bigger growth + visions for the future. If you’re an entrepreneur or new mama, you won’t want to miss out on this fun + inspiring conversation for getting through those tough seasons.


  • The highs & lows of our business journeys + the pivots we had to make along the way.
  • Our pregnancy stories + Alex’s raw journey through hyperemesis gravidarum - extreme sickness in pregnancy
  • How early motherhood shifted our identities personally & professionally + made way for even BIGGER visions.
  • What to expect from Alex’s newest launch, the It’s Upgrade Season Podcast.
  • How to get through the most difficult seasons in life + the lessons we learn from it.