362. Did We Just Create A Cult? Dirty Talk, Friendship, Business + Motherhood Chat with Alexandria Maria + Mel Wells by bossbabe

362. Did We Just Create A Cult? Dirty Talk, Friendship, Business + Motherhood Chat with Alexandria Maria + Mel Wells

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Thu Mar 21 2024

Show Notes

Grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine because this episode is the ultimate friend chat about everything from business to dirty talk (yes we go there.) I did a live podcast with two of my closest friends in Austin, Alex Maria and Mel Wells, and we answer your questions about everything from intimacy, to business + identity shifts in motherhood, to our advice on finding people to create deep friendships with. If you’re looking for an instant mood boost, hit play.


  • How we basically created a commune with our friends in Austin (and if it’s actually a cult)
  • How to design your life to prioritize motherhood + be wildly successful
  • The biggest misconception I had before becoming a mom
  • Quick tips on dirty talk in the bedroom (yes we go there!)
  • Ways we’ve navigated transitions and seasons of grief
  • Advice we would give someone starting their business from scratch today