369. Productivity Expert On How to Eliminate Procrastination, Manage Your Inbox + Be Productive Working At Home w/ Laura Mae Martin (Google Productivity Expert) by bossbabe

369. Productivity Expert On How to Eliminate Procrastination, Manage Your Inbox + Be Productive Working At Home w/ Laura Mae Martin (Google Productivity Expert)

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Apr 16 2024

Show Notes

Today Lindsay is joined by Google’s Executive Productivity Advisor, Laura Mae Martin! Laura share’s her advice on how to overcome procrastination, optimizing your inbox with Gmail, stopping unnecessary meetings + calendar hygiene, finding time and space for yourself while being a productive mama!


- Intro

- What is Uptime?

- Productivity at Google

- Inbox Management

- Tips for Maintaining Focus

- Giving Youself Grace

- Setting Boundaries

- Keeping Meetings Meaningful

- Scheduling Social Checkups

- Remote Working

- Motherhood and Work

- Busy is Not Important

- Wrapping Up!