383. I Had To Face The Truth… This Question Unlocked 3x Growth in My Business w/ Natalie Ellis by bossbabe

383. I Had To Face The Truth… This Question Unlocked 3x Growth in My Business w/ Natalie Ellis

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Sat Jun 01 2024

Show Notes

There’s one question that has the power to 2-3x your business this year and take you to a whole new level of growth. Want to know what it is? It’s one Natalie asked herself last year and the results were incredible… it helped her grow the businesses bottom line, delegate to her team, clear her calendar from anything not completely needed, and ultimately, helped her fall back in love with her business. This question can be asked at any stage of business and will help you identify the true needle movers + growth levers that are actually worth your time and energy!


0:40 - Special Invitation (Rise of The Digital CEO)

2:00 - The Biggest Question To Grow Your Business 2-3x

3:20 - Natalie’s Personal Story Answering This Question

7:40 - The Biggest Growth Is Often In The Discomfort

8:50 - 2-3xing The Bottom Line vs The Top Line Revenue

- Letting Go + Delegation

- Owning Your Power + Taking Control

- Vision Walk Exercise

- Get Support In Your Business + Closing Thoughts


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