18. What Credit Card Companies Don't Want You to Know with Credit Expert Vrinda Gupta by Her First $100K | YAP Media

18. What Credit Card Companies Don't Want You to Know with Credit Expert Vrinda Gupta

from Financial Feminist

by Her First $100K | YAP Media

Published: Tue May 17 2022

Show Notes

The Credit Card Industry is built on sexism (surprise, surprise, another industry that benefits the patriarchy) –– and not understanding how credit cards, credit scores, and things like reward points benefit men more than women is how it continues to go unchecked. Today’s guest is lifting the veil and taking us on a deep dive into the credit card industry –– how it works, why you might not be getting approved for that credit card even though you have a great salary, and how women are losing out when it comes to rewards. Vrinda Gupta is a former Visa Credit expert, who was denied for a card she helped create and is now on a mission to make sure women can build credit and have access to all the perks of credit cards with her company Sequin.

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