115. A Love Letter to "Late Bloomers" with Laura Belgray by Her First $100K | YAP Media

115. A Love Letter to "Late Bloomers" with Laura Belgray

from Financial Feminist

by Her First $100K | YAP Media

Published: Tue Sep 19 2023

Show Notes

“I wanted to wake up one day, a different person who had their shit together…”

Have you ever felt like you were lagging behind in life or your career? If your answer’s yes, you’re not alone. Many women dream of starting their own businesses or thriving in creative careers but often hold back due to fears and pressure from society. In this episode of Financial Feminist, we explore the journey of the “late-bloomer” with Laura Belgray, founder of Talking Shrimp, co-creator of The Copy Cure, and author of National Bestseller, “Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F'ing Worst,” and discuss her unconventional choices and the wisdom she's gained along the way.

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