Ep. 75 Against ‘Free Speech’ with Anthony Leaker by FIRE

Ep. 75 Against ‘Free Speech’ with Anthony Leaker

from So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast


Published: Thu Dec 27 2018

Show Notes

Against ‘Free Speech’ with Anthony Leaker

What does it mean to be “against ‘free speech?’”

On today’s episode of So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast, we speak with Anthony Leaker. Earlier this year he wrote an essay for Cato Unbound called “Against ‘Free Speech’,” in which he professes skepticism of the prevailing free speech narrative in the West and argues that it is often used as a Trojan Horse for far-right wing and fascist propaganda.

Leaker is a principal lecturer in cultural and critical theory at the University of Brighton in England.

Show notes:

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