The Disciples: 7. Beware of Blasphemers by BBC

The Disciples: 7. Beware of Blasphemers

from World Of Secrets

by BBC

Published: Mon Jan 08 2024

Show Notes

A once loyal disciple and recruiter for TB Joshua speaks out. Bisola’s video emerges on the internet - she calls it Deception of the Age. For the prophet, it’s betrayal. He won’t let go and delves into his archive of confessions to try and discredit her. Other disciples are frightened, including Rae.

Hosts Charlie Northcott and Yemisi Adegoke unravel a story of miracles, faith and manipulation, carried out by one of the most powerful religious figures of the century.

Please note, this season of World of Secrets contains graphic descriptions of sexual and physical violence, including sexual assault, rape and the language associated with it.

If you've been affected by any of the issues in this series, please contact support organisations in your own country. For a list of organisations in the UK that can provide support for survivors of sexual abuse, go to bbc.co.uk/actionline If you are suffering distress and need support, details of help available in many countries can be found at Befrienders Worldwide: www.befrienders.org

Archive: Emmanuel TV
