Stark Contrasts, Steep Prices by Jen Palmieri, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester

Stark Contrasts, Steep Prices

from How to Win 2024

by Jen Palmieri, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester

Published: Thu Jun 13 2024

Show Notes

Is retribution a winning campaign issue? That’s the question Senator Claire McCaskill and former White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri want to answer this week. And the striking contrast of the two presidential candidates comes into sharper focus: while one meets with G7 world leaders after honoring the fallen heroes of D-Day, the other tells his supporters he doesn’t care about them, he just needs their vote. Then: what is more of a kitchen table issue to voters than stubbornly high food prices? Montana Senator Jon Tester sits down with Claire and Jen to lay bare the effects of corporate consolidation on food production and what it means for your next grocery run.