Thriving Under Pressure by Adopting a Military Mindset by Tommy Mello

Thriving Under Pressure by Adopting a Military Mindset

from The Home Service Expert Podcast

by Tommy Mello

Published: Fri Sep 08 2023

Show Notes

Colonel Martha McSally is an American politician and former military pilot who served as a United States senator for Arizona from 2019to 2020.Martha is a real-life Top-Gun lady, pioneering combat-proven leader, inspirational speaker, and a celebrated author of the book “Dare to Fly." She is also an expert on building excellent teams founded on camaraderie, trust, and the ability to perform under pressure when the stakes are incredibly high. Now, she takes these lessons from the cockpit and the skies of Afghanistan to equip teams to reach maximum potential as high-performing individuals and significantly contributing teams within organizations.

In this episode, we talked about team building, task delegation, managing people…