Adopting a Growth Mindset to Turn Your Business Vision Into a Reality by Tommy Mello

Adopting a Growth Mindset to Turn Your Business Vision Into a Reality

from The Home Service Expert Podcast

by Tommy Mello

Published: Fri Apr 14 2023

Show Notes

David Neagle is the founder and President of Life is Now Inc., a multimillion-dollar global coaching company that helps thousands of entrepreneurs, experts, and self-employed professionals gain the confidence and find the right mindset to expand their business. David has been in the coaching and mentorship industry for 20 years and has expanded to more than 30 countries. He also hosts “The Successful Mind Podcast,” and is the best-selling author of “The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You Want and Have an EPIC Life!”

In this episode, we talked about business growth strategies, visionary leadership, personal growth…