Earning Your Customers' and Employees' Trust through Brand Storytelling by Tommy Mello

Earning Your Customers' and Employees' Trust through Brand Storytelling

from The Home Service Expert Podcast

by Tommy Mello

Published: Fri Jun 24 2022

Show Notes

Kelly Keenan is the founder of Brand Story Experts, an advertising agency that specializes in merging marketing and culture development to bring out the best potential of their client and partner organizations. He also trademarked the Culture Development Marketing process that centers on the 3-P principle, which involves the defining of the three core components of a story: Attitude, Drive, and Direction. In September 2021,he released a book entitled “Everyone Is An "Influencer”: Building A Brand By Engaging The People Who Matter Most.”

In this episode, we talked about marketing, branding, storytelling, recruitment, influencers, culture development...