Episode 19: Jet
from Acquired
by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
Show Notes
Ben & David break down Jet.com’s meteoric rise, culminating in Walmart’s blockbuster $3B+ acquisition of the company just two years after its founding. Will we look back on this deal as an ‘Instagram-like’ bargain or a ‘Pets.com'-sized blunder? And most importantly, can *anyone* compete with Amazon going forward? We speculate wildly.
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Topics covered include:
- Community spotlight: Nowdue, a super fast invoicing platform for teams on Slack. Invoice like it’s the future! This looks very cool.
- Jet’s deep origins in Founder & CEO Marc Lore’s first two companies, The Pit and Quidsi (aka, diapers.com)
- Lore’s chance run-in with Jeff Bezos at a school picnic in Seattle in the early 2000’s
- Amazon'sdramatic acquisition of Quidsi in 2010,including Bezos’ admonition to Amazon corp dev to keep Quidsi from being bought by Walmart under any circumstances (covered well in The Everything Store)
- Lore’s less-than-favorable opinion of Amazon's culture
- Lore's vision of Jet as an ‘online Costco’ that can directly with Amazon on price by selling goods to a “huge middle-class of people" at effectively zero margin, and make profit on membership fees
- Jet’s huge, pre-launch fundraising rounds, and subsequent massively promoted public launch in July 2015
- Jet’spivot in October 2015to drop the membership model (their only profit engine), and subsequent massive growth (but also accompanying massive losses)
- 'Admittingdefeat” to Amazon in July 2016?Immediately followed by the blockbuster $3B+ Walmart acquisition announcement
- Is e-commerce really a winner-take-all business and will Amazon just take over the world? Featuring liberal citations (again) of Ben Thompson's AggregationTheory and the importance of customer experience.
- Is there any path for Walmart & Jet to compete effectively with Amazon? Is Marc Lore Walmart’s only hope?
- Fantastic interview with Tim Cook discussing (among other things) the massive amount of growth still left in the internet
- Lucasfilm: Star Wars Rouge One trailer drops! Featuringa strong female protagonist!
New section: Hot Takes! (thank you @cteitzel on Slack for the idea)
- Verizon/AOL acquires Yahoo!
- Lyftreportedly turns down acquisition offer from GM
- Microsoft acquires Beam
- Randstad acquires Monster.com
The Carve Out:
- Ben: Michael Mauboussin’s Talk at Google and Reflectionson the Ten Attributes of Great Investors after thirty years of honing his craft
- David: Strava, the fantastic social fitness-tracking app
- None this week… coverage of InstagramStories to come next time!