Special: Superhuman Part II - Designing Software to Feel like a Game (with Rahul Vohra) by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal

Special: Superhuman Part II - Designing Software to Feel like a Game (with Rahul Vohra)

from Acquired

by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal

Published: Thu Nov 12 2020

Show Notes

Superstar past guest and Superhuman CEO Rahul Vorha joins us for a deep dive on how Superhuman applies concepts from game design to building productivity software. We're not talking points and badges — we mean hardcore, Unreal Engine-style technical innovations and Fortnite-level understanding of fun and mastery. It's a topic where Rahul has serious cred: before Superhuman and Rapportive, he worked as a game designer on RuneScape, the pioneering browser-based MMORPG. This is a topic every founder, engineer, product and even sales person should listen to. Tune in!

You can listen to Part I of our Superhuman story with Rahul here: https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/superhuman

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Playbook Themes from this Episode available on our website at https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/special-superhuman-part-ii-designing-software-to-feel-like-a-game-with-rahul-vohra )