Episode 24: Skype
from Acquired
by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
Show Notes
An acquisition so wild and crazy, they had to do it again. And again. Ben & David cover tech’s perhaps most-traded asset, Skype (which also happens to be a fantastic business). How do we even know which deal to grade? Tune in to find out…
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Topics covered include:
- Community spotlight: Slack community member Swyx’s financial data research startup Sentieo!
- Skype founders Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis’s meeting in the 1990’s at Swedish telecom company Tele2
- Zennström & Friis’s introduction to talented Estonian developers Jaan Tallinn, Ahti Heinla, and Priit Kasesalu as part of Tele2’s efforts to jump into the dot com “portal mania”
- Skype’s origins in the technology powering Zennström, Friis and the Estonians’ first startup endeavor together: the peer-to-peer file sharing platform Kazaa
- The “complicated” legal, technological and ownership situation for Kazaa and Skype
- Skype’s “unique” corporate culture, including aswimming pool in the board room and shots for initiating new employees
- The first Skype acquisition: eBay’s 2005deal to acquire the company for $2.6B, just two years after launch
- Cultureclash between eBay and Skype management, and furtherlegal drama regarding Skype technology ownership post-acquisition
- The second Skype acquisition: eBay’s 2009decision to spin the company out to a private investor consortium including Silver Lake and the newly-formed Andreessen Horowitz
- The third (and final?) Skype acquisition: Microsoft’s $8.5B purchase of the company in 2011
- Skypeas a “crossover” product with viable market opportunities both in consumer and enterprise
- Bill Gurley’s “Keysto the 10X Revenue Club” and the power of Skype’s organic customer acquisition model
Hot Takes:
- AT&T’s $85B mega-acquisition of Time Warner… making America great again, or rebuildingthe T-1000?
- The New York Times acquiring The Wirecutter
The Carve Out:
- Ben: SamAltman’s Manifest Destiny
- David: SOMA the Musical starring our very own Acquired listener, the brilliant and talented Jake Saper!