459 - Dale Jr.'s Impact on the NASCAR Souvenir Business - The Business of Motorsports Part IIII by Dirty Mo Media

459 - Dale Jr.'s Impact on the NASCAR Souvenir Business - The Business of Motorsports Part IIII

from The Dale Jr. Download

by Dirty Mo Media

Published: Wed Jun 07 2023

Show Notes

As Kelley Earnhardt Miller’s conversation with Joe Mattes continues, she and co-host Mike Davis ask him about his time spent between Earnhardt-related companies, where he ended up working for the NASCAR.com superstore. When the time came for Dale Jr. to leave Dale Earnhardt Inc. in 2007,Kelley knew she wanted to work with Joe on setting up the branding and marketing for the new endeavor. Joe highlights how he came to work at JR Motorsports and the planning that went behind the announcement of Dale Jr.’s departure from DEI.

The conversation covers what was considered one of the best-kept secrets in NASCAR history, as many merchandise vendors were involved but the news of Dale Jr.’s team switch somehow remained sealed. The 2007announcement and merchandise campaign would go on to be one of the biggest retail successes in auto racing history, and ultimately it was carried out by a handful of people. The interview also gives insight into some of the most memorable Earnhardt-related merchandising and how it all came to be.