161. Government as Force | Senator Mike Lee by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

161. Government as Force | Senator Mike Lee

from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Published: Mon Apr 12 2021

Show Notes

I had the pleasure of speaking with Senator Mike Lee on February 18, 2021.We discuss his experiences as a United States Senator for the state of Utah. Senator Lee and I talked at length about the structure and original formation of the US government. We also cover his hypothesis of what’s happening politically today, why it’s a problem, as well as possible solutions.

Mike Lee has been a conservative Republican for the state of Utah since January 3, 2011.He is also a New York Times bestseller with his book “WrittenOut of History: The Forgotten Founders Who Fought Big Government.”

Find more of Senator Mike Lee on Twitter @SenMikeLee and in his books.

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