96- The Orgasm Gap & Forced Sex Fantasies (ft. Sex With Emily) by Alex Cooper

96- The Orgasm Gap & Forced Sex Fantasies (ft. Sex With Emily)

from Call Her Daddy

by Alex Cooper

Published: Wed Sep 23 2020

Show Notes

DADDY GANG!!! This week Father Cooper kicks off the episode with an update on a man she is dating. The update includes a SERIOUS social media road block, one that she has never encountered with a man before... so naturally the uncharted territory calls for a full mental break down!!! THEN, Emily Morse, the sex therapist best known for her podcast 'Sex with Emily,' joins the show to discuss an array of sexual topics. They get right into it, addressing 'forced sex fantasies,' which Emily explains in detail the psychology behind why so many people experience them/why you should not feel shame for having these fantasies. The women also dive into juicy topics like the huge orgasm gap between men and women, how to have an orgasm, how to SQUIRT, people in relationships with different sex drives, and a whole lot more. ENJOY!!!!