No More Lonely Friends with Marissa Meizz by iHeartPodcasts

No More Lonely Friends with Marissa Meizz

from A Bit of Optimism

by iHeartPodcasts

Published: Tue Jan 11 2022

Show Notes

How would you react if you found out that your friends purposely planned a birthday party when you were out of town so you wouldn’t attend? And what if you found out from a video that went viral on TikTok?

That’s exactly what happened to Marissa Meizz.

Marissa's reaction was absolutely beautiful. She used the attention - and the pain - to help others. She founded No More Lonely Friends, a group dedicated to help anyone who wants to build deeper, more meaningful friendships.

This is… A Bit of Optimism.

For more information on Marissa and her work visit:


