Letting Go of a Toxic Friend Or A Relationship You Have Outgrown w/ John R. Miles EP 33
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
Show Notes
Have you ever wondered when it is time to let relationships or friendships go? In doing so, you will learn why you take your power back by letting toxic people go. Learn the keys to letting go of a toxic friend or a relationship you have outgrown.
Thank you for listening to the Passion Struck podcast. In this powerful Momentum Friday Episode, John R. Miles discusses why you take your power back by letting toxic people go. New Interviews with the World's GREATEST high achievers will be posted every Tuesday with a Momentum Friday inspirational message!
It might sound harsh, but you do not have to hold onto a friendship that you have outgrown or has become a toxic relationship. Humans are social by nature and we need friendship and support as we venture through life. While it is normal to want to form long-term friendships, the reality is that you are under no obligation to remain friends with someone who is toxic, holds you back from personal growth, or that simply does not have common interests with you any longer.
Show Notes About a Toxic Friend or Relationship You Have Outgrown- Learning That Friendships Change
- Why You Don't Have To Hold Onto Toxic People
- Why We Main Loyal to Outgrown Relationships
- Five Signs That Indicate Toxic People
- What You Do When a Friendship Isn't Working
Quotes From John R. Miles
"It might sound harsh, but you do not have to hold onto a friendship that you have outgrown."
"There is no winning in a toxic relationship."
"Just because your relationship or friendship was one time successful, It does not mean that you have to stay in that relationship forever."
"Humans by nature are social. And we want people in our lives, we want friendships, and we need that support as we venture through our own individual lives."
"I have found it can actually be extremely beneficial to have friends in different categories. Because that way you know who to go to in different situations."
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Follow John R. Miles-- Navy veteran, multi-industry CEO, and Author John R. Miles is on a mission to make passion go viral by helping growth seekers to overcome their fear, self-doubt, and adversity. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a CEO and Fortune 50 C-Level Executive, and the truths he has learned to help make other's lives better. His new podcast, Passion Struck, provides inspirational interviews and powerful guidance for people to take their lives to the next level. Watch as these high achievers weigh in on life's biggest questions and challenges as we journey on the path to becoming passion-struck.
-- Follow John R. Miles Here:
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