Why You Must Feel to Heal w/ John R. Miles Episode 142
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri May 27 2022
Show Notes
John R. Miles - why you must feel to heal and 6 ways you can do it. | Brought to you by Babbel (https://babbel.com/passionstruck) for up to 60% off.
If you found this podcast, you are likely searching for how to heal your emotional pain of some sort. You may wonder how it is even possible. As I explain in the episode, yes—emotional healing is always possible if we make the deliberate choice to tackle our pain. I discuss why we often try to numb the pain instead of confronting it, and I provide six ways to approach that healing.
The reality is that following the emotional pain you are healing from, you are forever changed. I realize that can feel scary, but it can also be incredibly freeing as you experience post-traumatic growth.
--► Full show notes: https://passionstruck.com/why-you-must-feel-to-find-emotional-healing/
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CHARITY- Vet Solutions - https://vetsolutions.org
- Heroic Hearts - https://www.heroicheartsproject.org
- Warrior Angels Foundation - https://warriorangelsfoundation.org
- 0:00 Introduction and announcements
- 3:20 Why nobody's life is a bed of roses
- 6:00 The story of Robert Downey Jr. and how he numbed his emotional pain
- What is the importance of painful experiences?
- Why is it okay to feel sadness?
- Why do people numb their pain?
- Six ways to approach emotional healing
- Why our pain is never wasted
- Analysis and wrap-up
Questions that you and your friends or family members can discuss about this episode:
- Why is nobody's life like a bed of roses?
- Are you numbing your painful emotions or addressing them?
- What did you find most inspiring about the story of Robert Downey Jr?
- What can you learn about the issues with unhealthy behavior and their ramifications?
- What is the most fascinating thing about the importance of painful experiences?
- Why is it okay to cry?
- What are six things you can do to form emotional healing?
- What steps will you take after hearing today’s episode to change your approach to painful emotions?
Interested in reading the transcript for the episode? Check it out: https://johnrmiles.com/6-proven-ways-to-approach-emotional-healing/
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-- John R Miles is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Passion Struck. This full-service media company helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author named to the ComputerWorld Top 100 IT Leaders.