Jerry Colonna on How Your Longing to Belong Influences Your Leadership EP 374
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
Show Notes
In this insightful episode of "Passion Struck," host John R. Miles engages with Jerry Colonna, CEO of Reboot and an acclaimed executive coach. They discuss his new book, "Reunion: Leadership and the Longing to Belong," which delves into the challenges of leadership in today's divided world, emphasizing the importance of introspection and vulnerability.
Full show notes and resources can be found here: https://passionstruck.com/jerry-colonna-belonging-influences-leadership/
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Leading with Soul: Jerry Colonna on Inclusive LeadershipJerry, with his transition from venture capitalist to revered coach and author, offers a unique perspective on creating inclusive environments and the transformative power of self-aware leadership. Drawing from his latest book, "REUNION: Leadership and the Longing to Belong," Jerry discusses how self-inquiry and confronting hard questions can lead to systemic change. This episode explores the journey of understanding one's own story and challenges, and how this self-awareness can build a more inclusive, empathetic community.
My solo episode on Why We All Crave To Matter: Exploring The Power Of Mattering: https://passionstruck.com/exploring-the-power-of-mattering/
Watch my interview with Ivo Brughmans On How To Navigate The Paradoxes Of Leadership: https://passionstruck.com/ivo-brughmans-navigate-paradoxes-of-leadership/
Catch my interview with Jacob Morgan On The Vital Power Of Leading With Vulnerability: https://passionstruck.com/jacob-morgan-leading-with-vulnerability/
My solo episode on Fading Into Insignificance: The Impact Of Un-Mattering In Our Interconnected Era: https://passionstruck.com/the-impact-of-un-mattering-in-our-era/
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