Jeremy Utley on Why Mastering Ideaflow Elevates Everything Else You Do EP 206 by John R. Miles

Jeremy Utley on Why Mastering Ideaflow Elevates Everything Else You Do EP 206

from Passion Struck with John R. Miles

by John R. Miles

Published: Tue Oct 25 2022

Show Notes

Stanford professor Jeremy Utley joins us on Passion Struck to discuss his new book Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric that Matters, co-written with Perry Klebahn. Brought to you by American Giant (get 20% off using code PassionStruck at https://www.american-giant.com/).

Let's face it. We all strive for grand ideas, but very few truly comprehend how novel ideas are born. Innovation is not a one-time event, nor is it a sprint or a hackathon. It comes from the mastery of ideaflow, a technique that advances everything else you do. The simple fact is that ideas matter. That is why innovators focus on inputs instead of outputs. According to Jeremy, innovators don't obsess over quality, they develop quantity.

Jeremy Utley is the Director of Executive Education at Stanford’s d.school and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford’s School of Engineering. He is the co-host of the d.school’s widely popular program, “Stanford’s Masters of Creativity.”

Purchase Idea Flow: https://amzn.to/3SwyXKM (Amazon Link)

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Where to Follow Jeremy Utley

-- John R. Miles is the CEO, and Founder of PASSION STRUCK®, the first-of-its-kind company, focused on impacting real change by teaching people how to live Intentionally. He is on a mission to help people live a no-regrets life that exalts their victories and lets them know they matter in the world. For over two decades, he built his own career applying his research of passion-struck leadership, first becoming a Fortune 50 CIO and then a multi-industry CEO. He is the executive producer and host of the top-ranked Passion Struck Podcast, selected as one of the Top 50 most inspirational podcasts in 2022.Learn more about John: https://johnrmiles.com/


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