Learning How To Be Vulnerable and 5 Steps to Build It w/John R. Miles EP 202 by John R. Miles

Learning How To Be Vulnerable and 5 Steps to Build It w/John R. Miles EP 202

from Passion Struck with John R. Miles

by John R. Miles

Published: Fri Oct 14 2022

Show Notes

Learning to be vulnerable can be messy because it comes with significant risks and big rewards. It's difficult to put ourselves out there because we fear it could impact our reputation or may even cause us to lose our partners or friends. But, the power of vulnerability also leads to finding a beautiful sense of belonging and being embraced by others.

In today's episode, I will tackle vulnerability by sharing the story of my friend who struggled with how to be vulnerable. I will discuss what being vulnerable means, why we avoid it, the benefits of being vulnerable, and five ways I have found you can build it.

-► Get the resources and all links related to this episode here: https://passionstruck.com/learning-how-to-be-vulnerable/

Read the transcript here: https://johnrmiles.com/learning-how-to-be-vulnerable-5-ways-to-get-there/

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-- John R. Miles is the CEO, and Founder of PASSION STRUCK®, the first-of-its-kind company, focused on impacting real change by teaching people how to live Intentionally. He is on a mission to help people live a no-regrets life that exalts their victories and lets them know they matter in the world. For over two decades, he built his own career applying his research of passion-struck leadership, first becoming a Fortune 50 CIO and then a multi-industry CEO. He is the executive producer and host of the top-ranked Passion Struck Podcast, selected as one of the Top 50 most inspirational podcasts in 2022.Learn more about John: https://johnrmiles.com/


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