Why Humility is Vital to Your Success w/ John R. Miles EP 51
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
Show Notes
In this powerful Momentum Friday Episode, John R. Miles discusses why humility is vital to your success, and specifically intellectual humility. The definition of intellectual humility, determining if we are practicing humility, what happens when we don't, and techniques to get better at being humble.
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Why is Humility Vital?It is ok to have self-confidence, but it becomes a problem when that grows; it encompasses you. People often ask me what the key to peak performance is? It is intellectual humility! And, that is why humility is vital to your success.
The act of being humble fosters a positive impact on your career and life.
Here are additional topics from past podcasts that were mentioned in the show:
- The Art of Diplomacy: https://youtu.be/9tbB0dWDlSQ
- Acting with Tact: https://youtu.be/Aq-I5LF3-wg
- Why We Should Stop Playing Small: https://youtu.be/WByldhG4hlY
- How the Ego Holds us Back: https://youtu.be/s6gir0jNAwI
- Thomas Horton Quote
- Why do others perceive us differently than we perceive ourselves
- John tells a personal story of learning humility the hard way
- Letting ego get the best of us
- Why it's hard to foster humility
- How you can recognize if you are not using humility
- Why being humble is underrated
- The reason possessing intellectual humility is vital to your success
- 4 ways you can practice humility
- What happens when we don't practice humility
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