Does the Concept of Free Will Really Exist w/John R. Miles EP 190
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
Show Notes
In this episode of Passion Struck with John R. Miles, I tackle one of the age-old questions debated by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and neuroscientists: does the concept of free will really exist, or is our life predetermined?
My aim for this episode is to spark curiosity in you and encourage conversation and deliberation on this topic.
-► Get the full show notes for all resources from today's episode: https://passionstruck.com/does-the-concept-of-free-will-really-exist/
-► Want the transcript: https://johnrmiles.com/does-free-will-really-exist/
--► Prefer to watch this interview: https://youtu.be/AMWO44YVs50
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- My interview with Scott Barry Kaufman and Jordyn Feingold: https://passionstruck.com/jordyn-feingold-scott-barry-kaufman-chose-growth/
- My solo episode about how your environment influences who you become: https://passionstruck.com/how-your-environment-influences-who-you-become/
- My solo episode on why your brain dictates your reality: https://passionstruck.com/why-your-brain-dictates-your-reality/
- My interview with Ayelet Fishbach, a professor at the Booth School of Business University of Chicago, on how to get it done, the science of motivation: https://passionstruck.com/ayelet-fishbach-get-it-done-find-the-fun-path/
- My interview with Astronaut Wendy Lawrence on why you must permit yourself to dream the dream: https://passionstruck.com/how-to-dream-the-dream-you-want/
- My interview with Katy Milkman, Ph.D. on how to create lasting behavior change: https://passionstruck.com/katy-milkman-behavior-change-for-good/
- My interview with Astronaut Chris Cassidy on the importance of being present in the moment: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/astronaut-chris-cassidy-on-the-importance-in-life/id1553279283?i=1000521263914
- My solo episode on why micro choices matter: https://passionstruck.com/why-your-micro-choices-determine-your-life/
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-- John R. Miles is the CEO, and Founder of PASSION STRUCK®, the first of its kind company, focused on impacting real change by teaching people how to live Intentionally. He is on a mission to help people live a no-regrets life that exalts their victories and lets them know they matter in the world. For over two decades, he built his own career applying his research of passion-struck leadership, first becoming a Fortune 50 CIO and then a multi-industry CEO. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author.
Passion Struck is a full-service media company that helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content.