The Key to Enjoying a Rewarding Life is Shared Experiences EP 112
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
Show Notes
Noel Gallager said, "I don't live to work; I work to live." I first heard this expression when I was living in Spain, and a Spanish friend told me that, "you Americans live to work, while we Spaniards work to live." As I look back, I should have listened closer to my friend's wise words because they are the keys to living a rewarding life.
In this episode, I discuss the story of Kai-Fu Lee and the experiences of Australian author Bronnie Ware. I use these stories to discuss why experiences are the keys to enjoying a rewarding life, not the pursuit of possessions. I describe the scientific benefits of experiences and how you can relate this to your own journey of intentionality.
You work to live, not live to work. Work on what brings you happiness. The tools from today's episode ought to be helpful for anyone looking to understand how to create a rewarding life.
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Links:Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware
BestSelf by Mike Bayer
My Journey into AI: The Story Behind the Man Who Helped Launch 5 A.I. Companies Worth $25 Billion by Kai-Fu Lee
AI 2041:Ten Visions for Our Future by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan
The Happiness Track by Emma Seppala
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
TheArt of Making Memories, by Meik Wiking
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Timestamps:- 0:00 Keys to a Rewarding Life Introduction
- 2:57 Surfshark and Coda
- 5:37 The Story of Kai-Fu Lee
- 8:42 Valuing possessions over shared experiences
- Coinbase and Magic Mind
- How Bronnie Ware chronicled top deathbed remorse
- Why we are far more than the sum of our possessions
- Experiences improve our interpersonal relationships
- The difference between hedonistic vs eudaimonistic happiness
- Having less clutter promotes being happy
- Experiences reduce the comparison of oneself with others
- Experiences provide better memories
- How to experience the most rewarding life possible
- Conclusion and Synthesis
-- John R Miles is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Passion Struck. This full-service media company helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author named to the ComputerWorld Top 100 IT Leaders.
John is the host of the Passion Struck Podcast, a show focused on exploring the mindset and philosophy of the world's highest achievers to learn their lessons to living intentionally. Passion Struck aspires to speak to the humanity of people in a way that makes them want to live better, be better and impact.
Stay tuned for John's latest project, his upcoming book, which will be published in summer 2022.Learn more about me: https://johnrmiles.com.
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