Loneliness Is NOT a Joke. Here Are 9 Ways to Deal With It w/John R. Miles EP 181 by John R. Miles

Loneliness Is NOT a Joke. Here Are 9 Ways to Deal With It w/John R. Miles EP 181

from Passion Struck with John R. Miles

by John R. Miles

Published: Fri Aug 26 2022

Show Notes

Over the past few months, the growing chronic loneliness epidemic has come up repeatedly in my interviews on the Passion Struck podcast. Given its prevalence, I decided to devote this episode to addressing its significance.

Loneliness is a human sentiment that is complicated and unique to every person. Because there isn't a known common cause, the consequences of loneliness and its prevention can vary dramatically.

Anne Hathaway did a great job articulating her feelings about loneliness in the following quote, "Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I'm most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me."

Her quote brings to life how differently we each experience loneliness. For example, a lonely elderly person who struggles to have people to talk to has different needs than a college student leaving home for the first time.

In today's Momentum Friday Passion Struck podcast episode, I dive into what it means to be "lonely," as well as the causes and consequences of loneliness, and provide ten different ways to deal with loneliness.

--► Get the full show notes: https://passionstruck.com/loneliness-is-not-a-joke-here-are-10-ways-to-deal-with-it/

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Show Links

Interested in reading the transcript for the episode: https://johnrmiles.com/10-ways-to-deal-with-chronic-loneliness/

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-- John R. Miles is the CEO, and Founder of PASSION STRUCK®, the first of its kind company, focused on impacting real change by teaching people how to live Intentionally. He is on a mission to help people live a no-regrets life that exalts their victories and lets them know they matter in the world. For over two decades, he built his own career applying his research of passion struck leadership, first becoming a Fortune 50 CIO and then a multi-industry CEO. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author.

Passion Struck is a full-service media company that helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content.