Rise Above: 7 Ways to Break Free From the Savior Complex w/John R. Miles EP 353
from Passion Struck with John R. Miles
by John R. Miles
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
Show Notes
In this episode, I'll take you on a profound journey of self-discovery, where we'll navigate the intricate world of the savior complex. Our aim is to gain a deeper understanding of its complexities and, more importantly, to unearth effective methods for breaking free from its grip. Together, we'll explore seven practical and enlightening strategies that will not only unravel the intricate web of saviorism but also open the doors to healthier relationships, personal growth, and a more profound sense of empathy.
Want to learn the 12 philosophies that the most successful people use to create a limitless life? Pre-order John R. Miles’s new book, Passion Struck, which will be released on February 6, 2024.
Full show notes and resources can be found here: https://passionstruck.com/rise-above-7-ways-to-break-the-savior-complex/
Unmasking the Savior Complex: Understanding, Coping, and BalancingIn this episode of Passion Struck, John R. Miles delves deep into the intricacies of the Savior Complex. He unravels the motivations behind the desire to rescue others and sheds light on the potential harm it can inflict. Through the compelling story of Alex, who grappled with this complex, John illustrates the journey towards awareness and coping strategies.
John explores the root causes and far-reaching effects of the Savior Complex and offers a valuable toolkit of seven strategies to overcome it. Additionally, he provides insights on how to support individuals who may be struggling with this complex.
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Want to find your purpose in life? I provide my six simple steps to achieving it - passionstruck.com/5-simple-steps-to-find-your-passion-in-life/
Want to hear my best interviews from 2022?Check out episode233 on intentional greatness and episode234 on intentional behavior change.
Learn more about John: https://johnrmiles.com/
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