Episode 82: How To Set Your Goals For 2017 | Real Estate Investing Podcast by Justin Colby

Episode 82: How To Set Your Goals For 2017 | Real Estate Investing Podcast

from The Science of Flipping

by Justin Colby

Published: Fri Jan 20 2017

Show Notes

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itunes-justin-colbyYou ready to crush 2017?Make sure you are setting your goals, most importantly make sure your setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Setting up your New Year Goals in the right areas
  • Book – “Traction” – Tools on how you set your goals
  • Knowing if your real estate goals are realistic or not
  • How to make your goals measurable and strategic with proper timelines
  • How to increase your daily life performance