Episode 80: Realtors and Investors by Justin Colby

Episode 80: Realtors and Investors

from The Science of Flipping

by Justin Colby

Published: Fri Jan 06 2017

Show Notes

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How can realtors and investors build a trusting relationship to work together successfully? Honesty about needs, values and what each has to offer can go far in building the win-win for realtors and investors alike. In this episode of The Science of Flipping, Justin and Kent discuss overcoming that age-old misconception that realtors and investors seldom get along.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The value of this relationship.
  • The importance of a return on investment to both investors and realtors.
  • Position your value to address your prospect’s pain point and make yourself their solution.
  • Ask honest questions about goals and vision to get all the right answers.

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