Art Imitates Art by SiriusXM Podcasts and Roman Mars

Art Imitates Art

from 99% Invisible

by SiriusXM Podcasts and Roman Mars

Published: Tue Feb 22 2022

Show Notes

There's a small neighborhood within the SEZ of Shenzhen that is known for mass-producing copies of the most celebrated works of Western art, all painted quickly and by hand. The place is called Dafen Village. There is a very good chance that you've been in the presence of a painting made in Dafen. Perhaps you passed by one at the dentist’s office, or in a conference room of a Marriott in Orlando. You may have even hung one up in your home without even realizing it.

To learn more about the origin of Special Economic Zones listen to the previous episode Call of Duty: Free

Art Imitates Art

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