Broken Heart Park by sofie kodner

Broken Heart Park

from 99% Invisible

by sofie kodner

Published: Tue Mar 08 2022

Show Notes

In the 1990s Dave Davis worked as the groundskeeper at a small neighborhood park in a suburb of St. Louis called Creve Coeur. It was an unpaid position, but it came with a strange perk: as part of the job, he got to live in a house on the grounds. On the outside, it looks like an ordinary ranch-style house, but once you got inside, something seemed a little off: it looked like someone had completed it in a hurry. It turns out that this house wasn’t supposed to be the home for the groundskeeper, and the park was never supposed to be a park. It was private property that belonged to a prominent Black doctor back in the 1950s.But the land was taken from him before he could even finish building his home.

Broken Heart Park

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