#104: The Strangler Tree Deaths (Case of Bhatia Family Deaths) by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#104: The Strangler Tree Deaths (Case of Bhatia Family Deaths)

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Sun Oct 10 2021

Show Notes

The banyan tree is a terrifyingly beautiful sight.

It looks like it's draped in a shredded cloak… with its long roots suspended from the branches - hanging eerily straight towards the ground.

That’s the first thing the officer thought of when he walked into the family home. 11 people dead. 10 hanging.

Together, perfectly spaced out, 10 family members were suspended from the ceiling like the roots of a banyan tree. Suspended. 3 generations of a family had been wiped out. But why?

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com