#92: The Hair Fetish Serial Killer (Case of Danilo Restivo) by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#92: The Hair Fetish Serial Killer (Case of Danilo Restivo)

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Sun Aug 29 2021

Show Notes

Her body was found by her own children. When the police rushed to the scene they were shocked.

She had been brutally mutilated - but something curious was in her hands. They were the keys to solving the case.

A clump of hair was found in each hand - when they ran the DNA…

One locket of hair belonged to her - the other an unidentifiable woman.

A ritualistic killing with an emphasis on women’s long hair. Who is this strange killer? And will they catch him in time?

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com