#63: Yosemite National Park Serial Killer (Case - Steven & Cary Stayner) by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#63: Yosemite National Park Serial Killer (Case - Steven & Cary Stayner)

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Wed May 12 2021

Show Notes

Why do so many people go missing in National Parks? Alien conspiracy theory? Government experiments? Or just lost in nature?

In this case - it’s none of the above. It’s a serial killer that leaves a trail of bloodshed and a decapitated head bobbing in a stream in Yosemite.

Once they catch the killer that’s when the real mystery begins - wasn’t his little brother a national hero? Didn’t they make TV shows about this family?

How did one brother become America’s sweetheart and the other America’s heartless serial killer?

Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com