A Gardener And His "Butterflies" (Kidnapped Women He's Desperate To Preserve) BAM EPISODE by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

A Gardener And His "Butterflies" (Kidnapped Women He's Desperate To Preserve) BAM EPISODE

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Sat Oct 24 2020

Show Notes

In an isolated mansion, a "gardener" is obsessed with his "butterfly" collection. His kidnapped victims must play into his sick fantasy or risk being killed.

Welcome to another Baking A Mystery (BAM) series! Today's video is a fictional story and is NOT a true crime story. If you guys are only interested in true crime stay tuned every Wednesday!

The visual version of this is up on YouTube under "MissMangoButt Baking A Mystery"